On Sunday, FBI Director James Comey said that recent letter to Congress notwithstanding, the FBI has found no new prosecutable emails from Hillary Clinton's private server. On CNN Sunday night, Anderson Cooper noted that Donald Trump has been going around saying all sorts of things about those newly discovered (almost entirely duplicate) emails, including that they would prove Clinton committed a crime.

"Wasn't it irresponsible for him, at that point, to be saying such things without having any facts, particularly now that Comey has come forward and said there was nothing there?" Cooper asked Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway. "He's welcome to speculate as to why FBI Director Comey would make an unprecedented move so close to an election," Conway said. "I appreciate what Donald Trump had to say compared to the Clinton people just going right after Comey, making him the complete, um, like a nuclear device against this poor guy." "But wait, you guys have been going after Comey and the FBI... since July," Cooper said.

Conway disagreed, saying that Comey earlier said something different to Congress, that Congress's low approval rating proves that lot of people think the government is rigged, that Clinton was the irresponsible one for setting up a private server, and that people on CNN speculated about Comey's letter, too. "You know what, Anderson, everybody speculated for nine days, so he's the one that shouldn't be, right?" she asked. "Everybody on CNN speculated 24/7." "If everybody jumped off a bridge, doesn't mean you should jump off a bridge, too," Cooper said, pointing out that Conway was comparing a potential president of the United States to cable-news pundits. Watch below. Peter Weber

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  1. Jake Tapper is not a reporter. He is a Clinton Advocate who is scared as hell she's going to lose.

  2. CNN does it ever give facts any more ?

  3. As soon as she starts talking about the crowds, he's got to go. Lol. #CNNISLAME

  4. She did not disclose anything. Wikileaks exposed her.

  5. Kellyanne is fantastic - she made Tapper look like a fool - very smart woman. Trump for President 2016.

  6. Jake Tapper is a cuckhold for the establishment

  7. you are a liar she did not disclose it, it was out by the emails from wikileaks

  8. Kellyanne and Pence are two proof how Trump selects the best people for the job regardless of gender, race etc.

  9. Jake Tapper "theres no evidence of election rigging..." Really? Even Obama said there was "monkeying around with election results and has been for years" Jake.... you are not living in the same world as the rest of us. This is why CNN is going down in history as the worst news network to ever exist because of this kind of reporting. This is why Trump spends 15 minutes talking about media corruption. BECAUSE EVERYONE ON THE PLANET KNOWS IT!!!

  10. Tapper losing his sparkle rapidly, down to an annoying drip.

  11. Excuse me sir — your bias is showing. Again.

  12. The Circumcised Neo-Con Network is a propaganda machine... Tapper and co are less about news and more about re-writing history.

  13. The media is going to start turning on Hillary. Last night CNN ran a 2 hour bio on Trump that showed him to be a great family man. The Washington Post published an article today stating Trump won the third debate. When the media turns on Hillary its all over for her. Trump the comeback kid.

  14. the clinton news network reporter was a complete ASS!

  15. the clinton news network reporter was a complete ASS!

  16. Tapper says no proof of election fraud?!? Wtf did I just hear from Project Veritas???

  17. Funny how they say he is discredited, to my understanding they accused him of "editing" a 3 minute clip and claimed you can twist any narrative with editing video. When project veritas responded by releasing the entire 6 hour clip, uncut, the propaganda masters claimed that no one wants to watch 6 hours of footage for a few minutes of evidence.

  18. clapper, sounds .like a disease lol

  19. Tapper why don t you cover wikileaks 1 to 16.

  20. Jake looks uncomfortable lying to the public. TRUMP is way ahead in the polls don't let the mainstream media brainwash you do the right thing and vote for TRUMP 2016.

  21. Just watch Jake. Defence rests? Go Trump!

  22. Jake that thing about Pence was really cute. What a nasty "reporter"

  23. I think some people forget who is responsible for the controlled corporate MSM we have today. In 1996 Bill Clinton changed the Telecommunications Act and allowed the Corporatization and monopoly of all networks in the U.SIt has worked out very well ~ for the Clintons !!! 50 companies used to control 90% of the media, now 6 companies control the 90% and are virtually tied to the Clintons!


thank you very much!